CH Sugarfoot Beatles on Broadway CGC TKN
“Molly Jones”

Molly Jones is a character! She is quirky, silly, and charms everyone she meets. Still very much a puppy at two years old, she is always playful and especially loves children. She is a taller girl, standing at 15.5 inches, with striking black-tipped ears. Jones was co-bred with Lannie Beckman of Broadway’s Tibetan Terriers.
The only thing predictable about Jones’s show career was that it wasn’t predictable! The day we decided that perhaps show life wasn’t for her, she surprised us by winning her class at the TTCA National. At her next show, she went Best of Breed over specials for her first major win. She finished her championship with four majors, going Best of Opposite over specials at the Lake Minnetonka Kennel Club show in 2019. The next day, she picked up a Grand Championship major on her first day in the ring as a special.
Jones has her Canine Good Citizen and Novice Trick Dog titles as well. She and her human boy make a great team in Junior Showmanship and are working on their first FastCAT title (her fastest run so far is 19.6 mph!).
Jones had her first litter in March of 2020 and was a dedicated mom to 8 beautiful sable and white puppies. Her daughter Enchilada is currently in the show ring working on her AKC Championship.
Jones lives with her co-owners and mom, Chapman, in Minneapolis. You can follow their adventures on Instagram, @jonesandchapman.
Pedigree & Health
Jones can be found in the OFA database. Her health results are also below:
In the Ring
Anytime we are in the ring is special, but here are some of our favorite wins:
- First place in her 9-12 class at the National Specialty, even after a hilarious (but very TT) ring performance
- Best of Opposite Sex, Lake Minnetonka KC, to finish her Champion title
- Winners Bitch, Waterloo Kennel Club, because she won while in the ring with her very favorite person